The MASQUERADE Annual Music Studio Concert 2015
Lyndsay's students perform at the Blue Box, MSpace, Msida - 7th July 2015
The Volleyball Marathon 2015
Lyndsay performs at the annual marathon at Dar tal-Providenza, Siggiewi aired on all local TV...
The Strait Beer Festival 2015
Lyndsay performs a live acoustic session at Wild Honey Bar/Cafe' Jubilee in Strait Street, Valletta...
BBQ School Party 2015 – #REUNION
Lyndsay performs at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary, Naxxar - 26th June 2015
Lyndsay performs at the Siggiewi Square - 20th June 2015
“AROMA Mattina” 2015
Lyndsay performs a live acoustic session and is interviewed on the morning cooking TV Show...
Lyndsay performs a live acoustic session at TRAMICI Cafe' & Bistro, Birkirkara - 12th June
One TV Fund Raising Marathon 2015
Lyndsay performs at the annual local station marathon aired on One TV - 7th June